Successful confirmation interview

Last monday which was a Bank holiday here (25th May 2009) I had my confirmation interview with two internal examiners. It went really well and I felt really confident. It is a very good stage just before the final viva. In it my supervisors were also sitting but they were allowed to talk. They took notes of the questions and my answers for later discussion.


I am feeling that my work is now shaping and it is becoming ripe to sumbit. For my confirmation I sumbitted two completed chapters of Findings and Methodology plus a summary of all other chapters. I used hierarchical linear regression but also explained why I did not use multi-level  modelling and growth models. I also included a section on SEM where indirect or mediation effects were graphed and modelled. For the interview I also took dome latent construct models using AMOS.


They gave me a "clear pass" on the spot which was very encouraging. So the plan is for me to edit a little bit of my findings chapter adding more SEM models. then immediately start to complete the literature review and discussion and conclusion chapters. The aim is to finish by end of Aug. 2009 and have viva in Oct 2009. let"s hope for the best.



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